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Besildene Road Hounslow, London, United Kingdom.
Phone: +44 (0) 845 548 9850
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- Diagnostic
- Plastic Filling Instruments
- Excavators
- Cavity Liners
- Pluggers & Margin Trimmers
- Carvers & Hatchets
- Cleoid Discoids
- Spreaders
- Burnishers
- Spatulas & Wax Instruments
- Articulating Paper Forceps
- Amalgam Carriers
- Calipers & Gauges
- Matrix Retainers
- Crown Removers
- Rubber Dam Instruments
- Composite Instruments
- Sets & Kits
- Orthodontic
- Extraction Forceps English
- Extraction Forceps American
- Root Elevators
- Aspirating Syringes
- Scissors
- TC Instruments
- Retractors & Mouth Gags
- Scalpel Handles
- Periosteal Elevators
- Root Tip Instruments
- Root Fragment Forceps
- Bone Rongeurs
- Bone Files
- Bone Mallets & Hammers
- Bone chisels
- Tissue & Dressing Forceps
- Hemostats
- Needle Holders
- Towel Clamps
- Sets & Kits
- Periodontal
- Implantology
- Laboratory
- Endodontics & Misc.
- Podiatry
- Orthopedic & Gynecology
- General Surgery
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